p. 930 - Products that are considered 'works of art' have been singled outas culturally significant objects by those who at any given time and social stratum wield the power to confer predicate 'work of art' unto them;....
State-funded and private museums.
Any public museum receiving private donations may find itself in a conflict of interests.
p. 931 - Bertold Brecht, /Five Difficulties in Writing the Truth/, 1934 'the courage to write the truth, although it is being suppressed; the intelligence to recognize it, although it is being covered up; the judgement to choose those in whose hands it becomes effective; the cunning to spread it among them.'
...'artist' and 'work of art' are predicates with evaluative connotations deriving their currency from the relative ideological frame of a given cultural power group.
They participate jointly in the maintenance and/or development of the ideological make-up of their society.
They work within that frame, set the frame and are being framed.