Gary Hall, 2014, Open Education: A Study in Disruption
Heather Davis, Community practice
Book as exhibition series (interpolations - points that carry the plot from one point to another).
McKenzie Wark, Anthoropocene Denial
Tomas Saraceno, Working with Spiders (also: the spiders of Amazon that fly great distances together on their nets)
Shiv Visvanathan, “Between Cosmology and System: The Heuristics of Dissenting Imagination,” in Another Knowledge is Possible: Beyond Northern Epistemologies, ed. Boaventura de Sousa Santos (London and New York: Verso, 2008).
Numeracy is putting numbers in series (Logic of series).
A Vast Machine (climate study).
There's no infrastructure of emancipation which is not an infrastructure of colonisation.
Alfred Wallace's Interrogation of Nature (his collecting of species in Indonesia) which comes as a basis for his and Darwin's theory of evolution. Tries to find out: can you still find evolution in nature?
Hallucination in reverse (colonial notion of not seeing what's in front of you. There is a difference between letters scientists wrote back home to their wives and mistresses and papers being published). Wallace's description of bird of paradise. Science is full of doubt and ambiguity.
Desire is the machine. Professionalism and machining desire keep us on hallucinating in reverse.
Ignorance is colonisation, solidarity is knowledge.
What is the mode of thought in colonisation? Possible action: you cannot confront the consequences if your thought is colonized.
Multistable image (democracy needs parameters in order to function). Data polity (?) How does life get parameterized? Who sets those parameters?
John Pretevi(?), deleuzian thoerist. Bestiary - Theater - Guillotine.
Clifford Geertz, Notes on the Balinese Cockfight;
Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Friction: An Ethnography of Global Connection