Kenneth S. Rubin - Essential Scrum. A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process (2012, Addison-Wesley Professional)..
0. Introduction
Claim: Scrum can be a way of making software engineering work more proficient.
Who deals with: rejects traditional, plan-driven, predictive development (waterfall style) approaches and Gannt charts, acknowledges that kanban framework is useful in contexts where scrum is not applicable.
Method: Narrative. Breaks Scrum framework into constituent parts: concepts (sprints, requirements and user stories, backlog, estimation and velocity, tehnical debt) and roles (product owner, scrum master, dev team, managers). Then gives introduction to agile principles and zooms in to planning and sprinting to discuss in more detail.
Why important: Rubin defines three key reasons: (1) deals well with situations where there's more unknown than known; (2) avoids big up-front architecture design; (3) teams are cross-functional.
Relevance to my research: describes the software engineering approach to work, which my research also deals with; explains how software rituals are applied in human behaviour.
Naysayer: scrum is not ideal for all situations; it's not good for chaotic contexts and in interrupt-driven workflow (eg, support tickets).
Image: Rubin, 2012: 7
![Technical debt](
![Example technical debt economic analysis](
![Post-launch development process: Scenario 1](
![Post-launch development process: Scenario 2](
![Post-launch development process: Scenario 3](
Found chapters on technical debt, sprints and product backlog quite informative. chapter 16 to 18 contain information which mostly reiterates previous claims and adds a bit more in terms of large-scale planning. The section about sprinting contains mainly stuff mentioned before.
- come to sprint planning with already groomed backlog (336)
- formulate sprint goal
- break backlog items into smaller tasks (344)
Difference between sprint review and retrospective: review is for the work done in the sprint (with stakeholders). Retrospective is to analyse the working methods (for Scrum team).
Retrospective questions (377):
- What worked well this sprint that we want to continue doing?
- What didn’t work well this sprint that we should stop doing?
- What should we start doing or improve?
Tools for retrospective:
- Timeline with emotional seismograph to analyse team feelings about the sprint
- Things to keep doing/things to stop doing/things to try board