Burger, Barack...
Leaders column is in the news today
Boys of Stalingrad
Singing with Bob Dylan
Airport taxi driver
For the Moscow News article by Olaf Koens.
Abkhazia officials
For the Moscow News article by Olaf Koens.
Local Mona Lisa
For the Moscow News article by Olaf Koens.
TV show for policemen
Abkhazian officials
For the Moscow News article by Olaf Koens.
You won't get me here!
Беляки в генеральском собрании,
Проходившем в Сибири, в изгнании,
Утвердили прави-
телем Русской земли
Колчака, адмирала по званию.
До сих пор удивляюсь, как Верховным Правителем России генералы выбрали адмирала.
А. Дубровский, 2011
In a general meeting that was held in Siberia, in exile, White guards approved Kolchak, Admiral officer, for a head of Russian land (I still wonder how Russia's generals have chosen an admiral as supreme ruler)(makeshift translation of A. Dubrovski's poem).
Happy birthday!
Seaman in love
For the Moscow News article by Olaf Koens.
The Exorcist
Happy birthday Olya!
Birthday elephant
History Today
Husband hunting in Moscow
Fear me, goats!
Славный Август из города Рима
Был богами поддержан незримо.
И тогда по рогам
Надавал всем врагам
Тот неистовый Август из Рима.
Воистину, завоевательная политика императора Октавиана Августа была впечатляющей.
А. Дубровский, 2011
Glorious August from the city of Rome Was supported by the invisible gods. And then by the horns Slapped he all his enemies That frenetic August of Rome (truly, aggressive policy of the emperor Octavian Augustus was impressive). (makeshift translation of A. Dubrovski's poem).