INTRO. This new project of mine is illustrating a series of limericks written by a friend of mine, Andrey Dubrovski. The poems are in russian, so I will include a small makeshift translation of what's it about.
To make it different from "Book of nonsense" I just finished, I will try to make them look different. Not sure how, but I know it's necessary, as the poetry is quite different. Stay tuned for more updates. This day's poem is about Simón Bolívar.

Боливар с берегов Рио-Бланки
Из грибов собирал лишь поганки.
Увидав мухомор,
Он вскричал: «Что за вздор!»
Экспрессивный сеньор с Рио-Бланки.
А. Дубровский, 2011
"Bolívar from the banks of Rio Blanco always gathered only poison mushrooms. When he saw fly agaric, he exclaimed, "What a rubbish!", that expressive señor of Rio Blanco.