Church in Hoxton
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Архимеду в порту Сиракуз
Указали на стаи медуз,
Обещав, если он
Их не выгонит вон,
Самого изгнать из Сиракуз.
А. Дубровский, 2011
Archimedes was shown flocks of jellyfishes in Syracuse's port, and was told to take them away, otherwise they will take him away instead (makeshift translation of A. Dubrovski's poem).
Go away, bear!
Until tomorrow, old man!
Come get me!
Dumb, but calm
Mice is nice!
He couldn't swim
You say hi, I say low
The casement case
Crossroad in Surbiton
Here's a desperate attempt to fix the unfixable - this sketch was laying for two months in the waste paper pile, until today, when I decided to see I can make it look like something. After all, I made an effort to make the inital drawing: went to the pub, sat near the window, spent some time sketching the street view.
Here's the result - I covered the half of the page with black ink, as it was the night anyway, and fix some detail here and there.